Prayer prompts
Choose a landmark on your drive home from work, or a task such as brushing your teeth to act as a reminder to pray for your spouse. Every day, when you drive past the mark or paste your brush, lift up your spouse's needs or simply thank God for him or her!
Pray without ceasing
End each day with prayerPray as a couple after getting into your bed. Give thanks for the day, pray for tomorrow and lift up any concerns or worries. Use this time to ask God to continue to strengthen your marriage.
Growing together in faithFor spiritual formation in your marriage, try memorizing Scripture together. Whether you’re cooking, cleaning or driving somewhere together, see if you can recite the week’s passage to each other. You’ll have God’s Word dwelling in both your hearts and minds week by week.
Essential humilityCrystal J. from Alberta recently shared with us how she handles negative feelings towards her spouse. She wrote, “When frustration, anger or resentment is rising in my spirit because of something my spouse has said or done (or perhaps something I expected him to have done), I tell him I'm struggling and I ask him to pray for me. It doesn't take a long explanation. Usually, he can sense what caused the issue anyway. It shifts my focus to how God wants to shape and mould me, and keeps me from trying to change my husband. Pride disappears and humble dependence on God and each other replaces it.”
Spiritual disciplines
Too busy to pray, or find it difficult to establish spiritual intimacy in your marriage? One of the best marriage-building exercises is to have a regular prayer and Bible study time with your spouse. With a busy schedule, start by committing just half an hour each week to study a Scripture passage together, discuss its meaning and explore what it is telling you about Jesus. Then, discuss how it applies to your life and marriage. Praying together also opens up communication and fosters openness in your relationship when struggles and praises are shared. It may seem difficult to commit to this at first, but by nurturing your relationship with God in marriage, you’ll likely find yourselves greatly enriched and coming back for more!
Marriage essentialsBefore leaving for work, while on the phone or before bed, try praying for and with your spouse. Building your relationship with God is the cornerstone of your marriage.
Prayers for the new year As the new year begins, why not put your marriage on your resolutions list? Start with discussing with your spouse three things about your marriage you are thankful for, and three major tendencies that most negatively affect your marriage. Then, pray for each other, using the list as a reminder of these prayer requests throughout the year. On the following New Year’s Day, return to your list to see how God has been answering your prayers.
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