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brings out the best in you as a woman.
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The Effective Woman forum is a support group for all Women at all levels i.e singles, engaged, or married. The aim is to help bring out the best in every woman at all level and class. Every woman possesses an inherent virtue that must be tapped into. The virtuous woman as described in proverb 31:10 says it all.So it is very important as a woman to be effective in all ramification of life.
The Effective Woman's forum also provides avenues where we all can learn, teach, contribute and open door for one and one counseling on matters arising such as, Time management,Marriage, Family, Raising Godly children, Relationships, Career, Business, Fashion,Health and other aspects as the need arises.
As a member of this group, no one should ever feel alone and together we will all emerge as strong women that we are.
Please feel free to invite families, friends, colleagues and well wishers into this great and wonderful group.
You are welcome as we celebrate the world of a woman together.
Thank you all.

Monday 31 October 2016

5 Steps to Take Before Starting a New Relationship

5 Steps to Take Before Starting a New Relationship

Forget “The Rules." Stop believing “He’s just not into you." In fact, skip all the self-help confusion that instructs you on how to morph yourself into the perfect match for Mr. (or Ms.) Right.
People who are genuinely happy with their romantic choices spend more energy working on their own self-development than on appearing a certain way to attract love. Instead of focusing on playing the game to entice a partner, put your focus on these five principles and, over time, the right match for you will present itself:

1. Understand yourself, sexually and emotionally. If you have not done the work of understanding yourself emotionally and sexually, you will enter romantic relationships from an emotionally dependent place. You may have the unrealistic hope that someone else will know how to understand you and make you happy—even when you, yourself, may not know. Directly communicating to your partners about your emotions and your sexual side is important; hoping others will intuitively perceive who you are emotionally and what you need sexually is a fantasy. Make a conscious effort to become aware of your ongoing emotional reactions to the people and events in your life. Observe and label your emotional reactions. Reflect on your feelings and talk with people about how you feel or what you are noticing about yourself, without expecting them to put you back together again.
2. Believe what people show and say about themselves. It is common when attracted to someone to want to rationalize their poor behavior. If someone treats you with disrespect or chronically lets you down, take this as data about whom he or she is as a person. If you try to talk with someone and he or she dismisses you or rationalizes mistreatment of you, take this seriously; this may not be a suitable match. If a man says he is not looking for “anything serious” or he needs a lot of “space,” let him go. This person is not in the same place you are and may not want the same things you want. Believe what people communicate about themselves. If they are acting immaturely or disrespectfully, or saying things that hurt you, move on. It is not your job to show someone a better way; it is your job to work on growing as a person.
3. Avoid "sextimacy." As I describe in Having Sex, Wanting Intimacy (link is external), sextimacy is a cycle of working to achieve emotional intimacy through hastened sex. If you are hoping that a sexual relationship will eventually lead to a more emotionally intimate or committed relationship, cease and desist: Research shows relationships that start with sex before emotional intimacy is present typically do not become committed unions. You will spend your time hoping and working to get someone to change or "step up to the plate" when you could be putting your energy into growing as a person and finding someone who likes the person you have become.
4. Separate psychologically from your parents. This is no easy task and many think they have done so when, in reality, they have not. As an adult, if you continue to allow your parents to meet all of your emotional needs then you siphon off some of the energy that needs to go into your romantic attachments. As much as possible, little by little, work to be independent of your parents. This does not mean you can’t enjoy their company, spend time with them, and share what you wish with them about your life. It does mean: Work to become comfortable making your own decisions. Excessively asking for their opinion, reassurance, or guidance, or allowing them to control your life means you are not living for yourself. And if you allow your parents to continually do the heavy lifting for you, then you will not be a whole person when the right match presents itself. Entering into a romantic relationship believing that the person is going to take care of you in the way your parents have can turn a healthy match into a toxic one. You have to be in control of your own life, self-aware of your goals, needs and emotions.

4 Keys to Resolving Conflict with Your Kid

4 Keys to Resolving Conflict with Your Kid

Powerful new tools to improve your relationship with your kids.

You’re not. In reality, every parent and child fights — and a whole new set of tools offers powerful methods to resolve conflict, whether you are struggling to put your four-year-old to sleep or tussling with your teenager over screen time. Here are four crucial guidelines:
johnhain/pixabay.CC0 Public Domain.From Pixabay
Source: johnhain/pixabay.CC0 Public Domain.From Pixabay
1. Don’t fall into “vertigo.” Perhaps no relationship in life is as intense as that between parent and child. So as conflict intensifies, you risk having the tension emotionally consume you, to the extent that you can think of nothing else in your life. I call this experience vertigo, for you feel like the world is spinning out of control. Every time you try to regain focus, your child makes a new demand of you or a child lobs a punch at a sibling, pulling you one step further into that emotional swirl.
The best way to break out of vertigo is to avoid getting into it. As tensions escalate, ask yourself one critical question: “Do I really want to get caught up in this conflict?” Most likely, the answer will be no. So take a moment to regain perspective: Take a deep breath and imagine yourself an hour from now, alone in the shower or in your bed relaxing and reading a book. Or imagine yourself on the moon looking down at your interaction. Is it really worth getting so worked up over your kid’s bedtime? Probably not.
2. Appreciate your child’s concerns. We parents tend to think that we know all the right answers, especially when we are in arguments with our children. But just because we have power over our kids doesn’t mean that there is no validity to their perspectives. Kids often have a good rationale motivating their behavior, and it pays to take the time to inquire, listen, and try to understand. When your ten-year-old starts shouting that you treat him unfairly, don’t just defend your behavior. Ask why he thinks that way. He may be jealous of the leniency you show in disciplining his younger brothers, or he may be making a call for more attention.
3. Give your child some autonomy. Imagine how disempowering it can feel to be a child: Your parents tell you what time to wake up, what to eat, when to sleep, and even how to talk. Unsurprisingly, then, children want some freedom to determine their own destiny. Even my four-year-old son Liam will break out in a temper tantrum if I choose his dessert for him. “Daddy! I want to choose!!!” So the next time your child asks if she can stay up an extra half hour, don’t just say no. Ask why. Listen to her reason, and give her a choice: “If you stay up later tonight, you will have to go to bed earlier tomorrow night. Which do you want?”


Using Identity to Promote Healthy Eating

Seeing yourself as a healthy eater might turn you into one.        

    Despite increased awareness of the health risks of unhealthy eating, many people have difficulty making healthy dietary changes, and obesity rates (link is external) continue to rise. In a 2015 study (link is external), researchers Amanda Brouwer and Katie Mosack proposed that one way to combat this problem is to change the way we see ourselves: Rather than simply pursuing the goal of eating more healthfully, we should identify as “healthy eaters.”
    Why would identifying as a healthy eater make you more likely to become one? Prior research suggests that people are more likely to behave in ways that are congruent with their identity. For example, if we see ourselves as caring people, we’re more likely to behave in caring ways; likewise, if we see ourselves as healthy eaters, we may be more likely to make healthy food choices. They call this a “self-as-doer” identity.
    To test the hypothesis that identifying as a “doer” of a healthy behavior—in this case, healthy eating—could increase the behavior, researchers exposed one group of participants to a “self-as-doer” intervention. After receiving educational materials about healthy eating, participants in this group completed a worksheet that involved: 1) listing six food-related goals; 2) transforming these goals into “doer” phrases (e.g., “eat more fruit” became “fruit-eater”); 3) envisioning being that kind of person; and 4) considering what it would take to become more like that over time.
    Results showed that over the next few weeks, participants who identified as healthy eaters reported greater consumption of healthy foods, compared to participants in the two control conditions, which involved only receiving educational materials or doing an unrelated task. “Self-as-doer” participants didn’t increase in healthy eating over time, but they did maintain their healthy eating to a greater degree than the other participants, who tended to slip into less healthy habits.
    These findings suggest that transforming dietary goals into self-identities might be a simple, affordable way to help people maintain healthy eating behavior, at least in the short term. They also raise the possibility that other kinds of goals may benefit from conversion into “self-as-doer” form. For example, what if low-performing students envisioned themselves as straight-A students, or if sedentary people saw themselves as athletic?
    Research by Gabriele Oettingen (link is external) suggests that people should proceed with caution when envisioning positive future selves. Positive thinking can increase hope and optimism, but it can also sometimes make people a bit too optimistic, producing a premature sense of accomplishment that undermines effort and motivation. In her research, Oettingen has found that positive fantasies about goals ranging from weight loss to job offers tend to be counterproductive because people neglect to plan for very real obstacles that they are likely to encounter.



    Touch? Touché! 
    A little touch goes a long way toward a zest-infused marriage! It's easy. Simply place your hand on your wife's hip when reaching to open the door for her. Or squeeze your husband's bicep – anytime, anywhere!
    Laugh a little

    Lighten up and laugh a little (or a lot) in your marriage, especially when your spouse makes a joke. But no pity laughs allowed! Let out a sincere chuckle that’s flirtatious without being fictitious.

    Less phone, more flirting
    Is your spouse competing with your stream of Facebook, Twitter, email or text notifications for your attention? Cut off the competition – your husband or wife wins! When you're together, turn off your smartphone and turn on your spouse. You’ll find that focusing on each other rather than on your phones is far more appealing than any app!
    Make fast food romanticThe next time you and your spouse dine under the golden arches, bring a tablecloth and a candle. This bold move shows off your creativity and adds an element of fun and romance to your otherwise ordinary date.

    Romance – rain or shineDon’t let ornery weather disrupt your plans for a weekend getaway. Blustery gales create a perfect setting for a romantic retreat. Plan a trip to a thundering ocean beach, or stormwatch on a high plateau where you can marvel at lightning-laced cumulous clouds sweeping across the landscape.

    First-date nostalgia
    Recreate your first date! Whether visiting the restaurant where you first shared a meal, renting the DVD of the movie you saw, or simply reminiscing about your special evening, enjoy the memories by reflecting on those first-date thoughts and emotions.
    PhotobondingPhotobonding marriage tip
    A picture speaks a thousand words and is a fun way of catching up with your spouse at the end of the day. With the camera on your cell phone – or a digital camera – snap photos of things throughout your day that are easier shown than said. Capture and share anything from a work event moment to a funny street sign you saw!

    Seize the momentDate nights with your spouse can be rare when you’re managing a busy household. But with practice, you can learn to snatch opportunities to connect on a deeper level. Move to another room while the kids are watching TV or playing, and simply ask each other, “What’s on your mind today?”



    Motivation to make upDo you have trouble reconciling with your spouse after an argument? Before you retire for the night, try using a statement like this: “I’m so thankful I have you to disagree with! What would I do without you?”Your spouse is your ally not enemy. Huge list of marriage tips here!
    Ally, not enemy
    Your spouse probably doesn’t aim to make your life difficult. While behaviours and comments can be hurtful, shift your perspective of your spouse from “enemy” to “ally.” Even the most heated discussions are better worked through when you approach hurts and hopes together, instead of one against the other.

    Dig a little deeper
    Understanding how your spouse behaves when frustrated, angry or exhausted promotes marital intimacy and harmony. Sit down with your spouse to ask, “When you’re ____, how do you act?” Fill in the blank with an emotion. Be attentive to these clues so you can pinpoint what your spouse is feeling and respond supportively when emotions run high.
    Stop, refocus and move forward
    Facing a marriage crisis? Shift your focus away from anger, fear and despair and redirect it toward love, confidence and hope. Then, work with your spouse to determine how you can seek out help.

    Understand each other's needs
    Understand that your spouse's needs are often different from your own. Husbands, rather than trying to fix the problem your wife tells you about, take time to just listen. Wives, allow your husband to have time to himself; this helps him reignite his love for you.

    Constructive reactions
    Introverts and extroverts react to and deal with circumstances differently. Talk about why you want something done a certain way, respect your differences and agree on how to reach a compromise.
    Too hungry to think straight?
    Does being hungry make you or your spouse easily irritable? When at home or out and about, try stocking your pantry or carry-along bag with wholesome snacks like fruit, nuts or granola bars to help calm the hunger-cranks. You’ll be surprised how an apple can help deter those too-hungry-to-think-straight conflicts.

    Open ears and open hearts Most of us don’t like being wrong, so we often shut off our ears and keep arguing without hearing our spouse’s point of view. Instead, try listening first to avoid jumping to conclusions and really consider what your mate is saying. It’ll take some humility and self-control, but doing so will help your spouse feel loved and understood if you take the time to really hear them out.



    A better focus
    Put aside your spouse’s past failures or poor decisions and focus on his or her victories! If you believe in your spouse and encourage their good qualities, they will grow – and your love will too.

    Check them out
    Eye up your spouse at home and in public – and let them see you doing it! A classic full-body once-over, plus a wink and a suggestive eyebrow raise, conveys the message, I like what I see!
    Positive affirmationWhen was the last time you spoke words of affirmation to your spouse? Over time, it may not come to mind as readily as it did early in your relationship. Intentional affirmation will not only encourage your spouse, but also strengthen those bonds of affection. Tell your spouse what you love and admire about them today!

    Remember to thank your spouseRather than criticizing your spouse for forgetting to carry out a particular task, thank them for all the times they remembered to fulfill their responsibility.
    I’m thankful for you because . . .
    Even after the Thanksgiving holidays, tell your spouse 10 things about them that you’re thankful for. On an everyday basis, strive to cultivate an attitude of thankfulness for each other, focusing on the positive qualities of your spouse instead of the negative. Often, we easily take our loved ones for granted and only look at what they lack according to our expectations. Constantly measuring up your spouse to those expectations will guarantee your disappointment and marital dissatisfaction. Instead, choose to adopt a thankful perspective and ask God for help to let go of unrealistic or selfish expectations. You’ll find through ups and downs, learning to be thankful for how God has made your mate will greatly strengthen your marriage.

    Sunday 30 October 2016


    The Best Relationship Advice I've Ever Gotten

    It was 2004 and I had just ended a yearlong relationship with my girlfriend. It had been the typical relationship that I and many other people have become accustomed to. The type of relationship that we only tend to find ourselves in out of our seemingly insatiable appetite for companionship.
    I made the decision at that time that I would no longer repeat the cycle of falling in love, committing, and then staying in a relationship that didn't stimulate my soul.
    Shortly after the breakup, a woman walked into my life and gave me the best advice about relationships that anyone has ever given to me—advice that would drastically change my love life forever. Today, I am sharing with you some of that wisdom in the hopes that it awakens something within you, stirs your soul, and validates your heart's deeper calling.
    My mentor came to me in the form of a soft-spoken, older woman with grayish-white hair whom I met at a personal development workshop in Albuquerque. I found myself sitting next to her on the first day, and I struck up a conversation that has lasted 12 years—so far.

    What Every Parent Should Tell Their Kids About Sex

    What Every Parent Should Tell Their Kids About Sex

    What Every Parent Should Tell Their Kids About Sex Hero Image

    So, you've almost made it to the finish line. Your kid is going to graduate high school soon and venture off into the real world—paying their own bills, too, if you're lucky. 
    I've been there before myself—a dad excited for his child's next big adventure. But, as excited as I am, I'm at least as terrified that they aren't ready. Have you prepared them as well as you need to for a full-time job? For taking care of themselves? For dealing with relationships and—infinitely scarier—with sex?
    Your kid may already be having sex. You may know it or not. Either way, once they're out of your house, you have far fewer chances to parent. With that in mind, take advantage of the time you have left to make sure they're ready to deal with whatever life throws at them.
    Yes, thinking about the sexual culture your young adult offspring will be entering once they live on their own can cause a rush of panic.

    How do you prepare them?

    Start by being honest about what they are likely to see, giving good and bad examples. Instead of lecturing, focus on the opportunities they're going to have for making exciting decisions (some easier than others).
    While this can be a serious conversation, you can make it engaging. Ask what dating advice they have received or have even "heard" through the grapevine. Share some of the crazy advice you received. This is an enlightening way to discuss how friends can share well-intentioned but very misguided suggestions.
    They don't need you to tell them how to impress their dates, or to "play" the dating game.
    They need you to tell them they don't need to try to impress their dating partner. They need you to tell them that trying to impress other people leads to misleading behavior from you. Remind your kids to be the same people on dates as they are with their friends and family.

    Here's how to love yourself in those alone moments:

    Here's how to love yourself in those alone moments:

    Just as a loving parent would pick up a crying baby and try to discover what the baby needs, we need to embrace our feelings with a desire to learn about what they are telling us.
    All our feelings have information for us about how we're treating ourselves, how we're being treated by others, and about events or situations that may need our attention.
    Loving yourself means getting fully present in your body with your feelings. It means turning toward them with compassion rather than avoiding them with self-abandoning behavior. It means wanting responsibility for learning what they are telling you about how you are treating yourself, and for lovingly managing the painful feelings of life—the loneliness, heartbreak, grief, and helplessness that we all experience at times.
    Loving yourself also means that you learn how to connect with a higher source of love and wisdom so you can bring that love and wisdom within. Inner aloneness always indicates a lack of love within.
    Connecting with a higher source isn't as hard as you may think. Spirit is here to guide us in being loving to ourselves and to others, so when your intent is to love yourself rather than to avoid pain, the love that is spirit will fill your heart.

    How To Love & Care For Yourself Even When You Feel Totally Alone

    How To Love & Care For Yourself Even When You Feel Totally Alone

    How To Love & Care For Yourself Even When You Feel Totally Alone Hero Image
    Photo: Stocksy
    Have you ever felt alone and empty inside? I'm not referring to the kind of alone we feel when we are actually alone or when we are with someone who is withdrawn from us. I call this kind of alone "lonely." We are lonely when we have love to share but either there is no one with whom to share it, or the person or people around us are closed off to connection and the sharing of love. We can feel lonely even when with a group of people.
    The kind of alone I'm referring to has nothing to do with others. The kind of alone I'm talking about is a hollow, lost feeling inside, like floating in space with no tether to a mothership.

    13 Tips To Make A Good Relationship Great

    Do a Google search on how to get your best body and you’ll be inundated with pages of training tips. For those who want to take that same, proactive approach to creating your best relationship, I have your "exercise regimen" below.
    1. Do the things you did the first year you were dating.
    As the months and years roll on, we tend to slink into our proverbial sweatpants and get lazy in our relationship. We lose our patience, gentleness, thoughtfulness, understanding and the general effort we once made toward our mate. Think back to the first year of your relationship and write down all the things you used to do for your partner. Now start doing them again.
    2. Ask for what you want.
    Over time, we assume that our partner knows us so well that we don’t need to ask for what we want. What happens when we make this assumption? Expectations are set and just as quickly, they get deflated. Those unmet expectations can leave us questioning the viability of our partnership and connection. Keep in mind that “asking for what you want” extends to everything from emotional to sexual wants.
    3. Become an expert on your partner.
    Think about who your mate really is and what excites him or her (both physically and emotionally). We can become consumed by what WE THINK he/she wants, as opposed to tuning in to what truly resonates with the other person. Remember that if it’s important to your partner, it doesn’t have to make sense to you. You just have to do it.
    4. Don't ask "how was your day."

    The 10 Habits of Long-Lasting Couples

    The 10 Habits of Long-Lasting Couples

    What you MUST be doing to make sure you guys go the distance.

    We've all swooned at the adorwho spend their whole lives together, and are just as much in love with each other in old age as they were right at beginning. But what is their secret? How do they manage to maintain, and strengthen, their love through the years?
    Well, psychiatrist Mark Goulston has published his advice. Read on to discover his 10 tips for lasting relationships:
    1. Go to bed together. This doesn't mean go have sex every single night, but rather go to bed at the same time. Dr. Goulston reckons that "happy couples resist the temptation to go to bed at different times" even if one gets back up shortly after. There's nothing like a bedtime cuddle!
    2. Work out your common interests. It's fine if he loves rugby while you're into painting, and you shouldn't even worry if the thing you find most boring is what really gets him going. But Dr. Goulston reminds us that the initial passion won't last forever, so you need to make sure there's some substance behind your relationship.

    Saturday 29 October 2016

    How to Become an Exceptionally Attractive Woman and Stand Out from the Rest

    How to Become an Exceptionally Attractive Woman and Stand Out from the Rest

    how to become an exceptionally attractive woman to menIt’s not a secret that when it comes to attraction, men are more “visual” than women – guys are driven toward women who are more physically attractive, while for women a man’s personality and character generally play a more important role than his looks. This popular theory, however, tends to cloud a very important truth – when it comes to selecting a long-term romantic partner, the most attractive, confident and desirable men are also driven toward those women who possess exceptional personality.
    Let’s face it. Attractive women are not that uncommon. Just go to any bar or a club in your area of residence, and you are likely to see a few girls who are “hotter” than last year’s Ms. Universe or any Hollywood actress. However, it is much harder to find a very attractive woman whose personality and character are as “hot” as her body and face. There are a few reasons for this. The power of choice inevitably corrupts a person to a certain extent. If you only had vanilla and chocolate ice cream to choose from when you are at the store, the choice would be easy, and you would likely appreciate either of the flavors. On the other hand, having 50 flavors of ice-cream to choose from confuses you and makes you wonder what you are missing out by choosing one as opposed to the other. Don’t take me wrong – having a choice is a wonderful thing and it’s one of the fundamental principles of freedom, but it also tends to adversely affect our ability to make rational choices and decisions.
    The same applies to the strikingly attractive women – many of them, if not most, are corrupted by excess attention from men. They talk to too many guys, go on too many dates, get dumped way too often, and become way too disappointed, jaded, and bitter. Such a history with men creates a “stuck up” woman, who seems hostile and unapproachable. The excess attention from men also tends to keep these women out “having fun” way too much and away from developing their personality and identity.
    The few very attractive women who are conscious of the consequences of being in the “scene” for way too long, and who protect themselves from becoming the victims of their own beauty, will win in the dating and relationship world. How so, you wonder? Excellent question!
    The reality is that there comes a time in every desirable guy’s life when, after dating many women, he stops and falls head over heals for that one woman. But why? Is she the most attractive woman out of all the others he dated? Probably not. Chances are that her character and personality are the ones that make her stand out and make the guy think “Wow, she is a rare kind… I better not mess this one up, as I am not likely to meet a woman like her any time soon.”

    Indeed, she must be special. She must be elegant, feminine, and she probably naturally enjoys pleasing her partner. That woman truly makes her guy feel like a man. She didn’t betray many of the traditional family values that she was brought up to believe in and saw in her own parents’ relationship. She probably believes in gender roles, and she is proud of it. She actually wants the guy to take charge, and seeing a guy take the lead might even turn her on sexually.
    Meeting a woman like this is particularly thrilling to a modern guy who lives in a Western civilization, and who is used to dealing with “business” women and other kinds of extreme feminists who like to challenge his masculinity and assert their own and not always in a good way, but going out of their way to show that they can be just like men – those same women who make guys travel to the other side of the world to look for “real” women – women whose souls and hearts have not yet been corrupted by success and status, and the ones who gave rise to the very natural movement among Western men, which is referred to as “Asian fetish,” which we should understand instead of criticizing and mocking.
    There is a natural core of femininity, gentleness, softness and sensuality in every healthy, heterosexual woman. Don’t suppress it; let it out and enjoy having it. Some people might try and take advantage of it, but the benefits of exuding femininity will surely outweigh any associated social risks. Besides, few things are more attractive and desirable to a man in woman than her femininity – sexually and in many other ways.

    How to Balance Your Career, Social Life and Dating Life

    How to Balance Your Career, Social Life and Dating Life

    how to balance your life

    Struggling to find balance in an age where 24 hours simply aren’t enough? Here are a few tips to find balance and live a full life!

    Balancing your work, social and dating life can be a bit of a hassle. It truly takes discipline and dedication to make sure your life is well-rounded. One of the greatest advantages of attaining this sought-after balance is that it reduces the amount of stress in your life, and we could all use a little less stress.
    There has to be more to life than working, and it is vital to add some fun to your life. The more you work, the more you begin to neglect your personal life. But if you focus too much on dating or your social life, your career may not advance as much as you had hoped it would. So how can the average person pull it off?
    How to find balance in life
    Taking the time to ensure that your different priorities are in order may seem daunting, but these tips will help make finding the balance easier.
    #1 Make time for your important relationships. The people in your life may have tried to reach out to you on several occasions, and of course, you were busy working. They will be understanding and empathetic, but at some point, you have to make time to reconnect with them. The more you become so consumed with your work life, the more all of those relationships will begin to falter.
    Take some time to reach out to the people in your life. Just taking the time to have a conversation with someone can help keep the relationship afloat. A quick phone call or a lunch break together can work wonders. During the hustle and bustle of your everyday life, try to take the people you love into consideration. No one likes to feel neglected or unimportant to someone they care for.
    #2 Health is wealth. This is not just an expression. It is about having a healthy and balanced lifestyle to ensure you feel wealthy all around. Throughout your busy schedule, take time out to take care of your body. Make an exercise schedule for the gym or for your home to get the adequate amount of movement your body needs. Your body will surely thank you.

    Stop Being Lazy: How to Confront and Overcome Your Excuses

    Stop Being Lazy: How to Confront and Overcome Your Excuses

    stop being lazy

    Laziness is a natural part of being human. We all get lazy at some point in our life. And we’re ready to help you stop being lazy and get things done!

    A philosopher once said, “People are naturally predisposed to wanton idleness.” Meaning if they could get away with not doing anything at all, they definitely would just spend their waking moments lying on the couch watching Netflix, munching on chips. But if you want to stop being lazy, we’ll help you figure out why and how to make positive changes.
    But taking a look at how the world progressed from Neanderthals chasing a mammoth with a sharpened stick to you sitting there, iPhone in hand reading this, tells us how much civilization owes to our ancestors who fought the urge of laziness.
    So, there you have it. Laziness is something to not include in your lifestyle. Laziness leads to procrastination, procrastination leads to not getting things done, and not getting things done ultimately leads to a myriad of unpleasant events amounting to lost money, opportunities, and time.
    Analyzing laziness
    Okay, maybe you’re not really lazy. Maybe you just want to take a day off from doing anything because you’re stressed out or tired. That’s all well and good if done occasionally. But if being lazy has become your habit, it could lead to a crash, which dominoes out to different aspects of your life.
    People admit to being lazy at something for a whole lot of reasons. Here are some of the commonly mentioned ones:
    #1 Boredom. You’re lazy because you’d rather do something else more enjoyable or interesting than the task at hand. [Read: 15 reasons why you’re bored with your relationship]
    #2 Fatigue. Because sometimes you’re just too tired to do anything at all.
    #3 Lack of motivation. Because it is not worth the effort you’re going to spend on that activity.
    #4 The task is too daunting. It requires a lot of effort and you feel a little afraid of failing.
    How to deal with laziness