![Todd Chrisley's photo.](https://fbcdn-photos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xta1/v/t1.0-0/q85/p480x480/12107007_790477957728195_8208536981049870347_n.jpg?oh=f56abcbf287ca4ff8169c2b583097b05&oe=57E636C0&__gda__=1473804797_bbfc1de2f2115ee4e22d26a50e9d27ee)
What we are about...
brings out the best in you as a woman.
You are welcome to the Effective Woman's forum.
The Effective Woman forum is a support group for all Women at all levels i.e singles, engaged, or married. The aim is to help bring out the best in every woman at all level and class. Every woman possesses an inherent virtue that must be tapped into. The virtuous woman as described in proverb 31:10 says it all.So it is very important as a woman to be effective in all ramification of life.
The Effective Woman's forum also provides avenues where we all can learn, teach, contribute and open door for one and one counseling on matters arising such as, Time management,Marriage, Family, Raising Godly children, Relationships, Career, Business, Fashion,Health and other aspects as the need arises.
As a member of this group, no one should ever feel alone and together we will all emerge as strong women that we are.
Please feel free to invite families, friends, colleagues and well wishers into this great and wonderful group.
You are welcome as we celebrate the world of a woman together.
Thank you all.
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