![I May Pretend I Am Ignoring U But Inside I am Dying to be with You. . .'s photo.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1487352_549552165141222_1974656933_n.jpg?oh=5a6b3ffb3757c842e8eebe2d4bf7adb5&oe=56DDCC91&__gda__=1458492478_21d57e0152895ee6639b12e3b16f9fea)
What we are about...
brings out the best in you as a woman.
You are welcome to the Effective Woman's forum.
The Effective Woman forum is a support group for all Women at all levels i.e singles, engaged, or married. The aim is to help bring out the best in every woman at all level and class. Every woman possesses an inherent virtue that must be tapped into. The virtuous woman as described in proverb 31:10 says it all.So it is very important as a woman to be effective in all ramification of life.
The Effective Woman's forum also provides avenues where we all can learn, teach, contribute and open door for one and one counseling on matters arising such as, Time management,Marriage, Family, Raising Godly children, Relationships, Career, Business, Fashion,Health and other aspects as the need arises.
As a member of this group, no one should ever feel alone and together we will all emerge as strong women that we are.
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You are welcome as we celebrate the world of a woman together.
Thank you all.
Friday, 27 November 2015
please read this...
Now he decided to travel out for a greener pastures, I bluntly refused because I was not sure of his coming back although part of me wanted him to go cause I was tired of him, but after much refusal I gave in cause he was beginning to see me as enemy of his journey, It was a mixed feeling for me.
Well, just few months to his journey, I receive a message from his white lady to know if I'm his wife, but I didn’t answer. I asked my hubby what to tell her but he said I should denounce him before the white lady which I refused but then, we are quarrelling everyday, on phone, If I go to market, he will say THEY told him that they saw me somewhere, from one accusation to another, even in his absence I have no peace, he paints my name black before his parents and disvalue me before his brothers. He accuses of different men while he is in overseas oohh, this person told him or that person saw me, I had no peace, everyday I was crying, then he started making money and then It got worst, on January 1st 2013 I took my son to amusement park, he called us and we told him where we are, he got angry and started abusing me on phone that its late, I told him to calm down that I'm In a public place and I'm getting annoyed by the names he's calling me but no way, then I cut the phone, then he call back and started raining abuses on me and at the end of the call, he said that d marriage Is over, (well, I'm use to the marriage being over everyday so I didn’t take him serious) but this time he meant It. We went into 3 dry fasting for the new year, I was bitter and praying to God, I begged him to forgive me but he refused and Instead laying curses on me and my future. I text him so many times to forgive me but no way. I called his parents and his parents pleaded with him but he threaten to cut providing for his parents If they force him to come back to me but the parents Insist, he cut his brother from talking to him because they told him he was wrong. I have extra fasted and prayed but nothing. 2 months later he was openly engaged to a girl from his village who Is a doctor over there. he said he will come back and collect his Bride price, and will send his lawyers to do the divorce for him, (we only wedded In court and he paid the dowry fully before I lived with him so no church wedding). ADMs, I no God hate divorce but I'm fade up with this man, I don't ever want to go back to him, I want to start all over again, I want to divorce him by myself this year cause I don't know when he's coming back, I don't even want him to come back and beg me, he destroyed all my dreams with his empty promises. Babes, I have peace ever since he left me, I regain myself and feel free to pursue my dreams. Adms, I'm scared I don't want to be married to him again, I don't love him as a husband anymore, I only know he is the father of my son. I don't know if God will be angry with me if I go for the divorce myself. The fact that I'm still waiting for him to come back and divorce the marriage is drawing me back. Please what do I do?